Park of science and technology

Design type
conceptual (competition), construction and executive
Bartosz Makowski
City of Puławy
Total surface area
13 576,18 m²
1st place in competition House of 2012 for best construction on both sides of eastern EU border
Simplicity and natural green surrounding are some of characteristic features of the facility where new technologies are going to be implemented. The ‘Mission of the Puławy Park is to promote innovation in social relations: stimulating scientists, businessmen, and community of the region to take new challenges. Since the Park attracts new ideas commercialising findings of research in business, it is the location where new solutions find their application in the industry’

Highlighting the role of nature in the man-made environment is a part of promoting the idea of sustainable development.

Widok na wodne nasadzenia i przeszkloną elewację, Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
While designing the Puławy Science and Technology Park, the objective was to create space of unprecedented working conditions quality for its users. To meet the objective, we opened the building to the western wall of green, i.e. the existing forest, and we allowed it to encroach the area through open courtyards aimed at combining work and relaxation in the nature.
Widok na wodne nasadzenia i przeszkloną elewację, Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
In the urban context, the idea to develop office space immersed in the park is implemented by a clear division into external space with a yard in front of the building, which is also used as a car park, and the internal space, which is inward oriented, open, transparent, saturated with green and deprived of any spatial barriers. The boundary of the two areas and, at the same time, a gateway between the two is the front elevation of the building.
Widok na wodne nasadzenia i przeszkloną elewację, Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny
The front elevation has been subordinated to the idea of the Park. It is made of a natural material, e.g. local sandstone. Its specific division pattern reveals what is hidden behind. Behind a screen of the outer wall, we can see three blocks providing for three basic functions of the Puławy Science and Technology Park, namely the Technology Centre, Technology Incubator and the Enterprise Centre. To make the elevation a showpiece development, we situated the building deepen into the plot, leaving much free space and creating a more distant perspective of the building.

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