Lokalność, więzi społeczne i międzypokoleniowe to wartości odkrywane i doceniane na nowo. Potrzeba przynależności do miejsca, do grupy jest podstawową potrzebą człowieka. Szczególnie dla osób starszych, niepełnosprawnych, potrzebujących pomocy izolacja jest trudnym doświadczeniem. Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej ma szansę stać się nie tylko miejscem opieki i pomocy, ale również miejscem tworzenia więzi społecznych dla mieszkańców dzielnicy. Swobodna atmosfera miejsca, liczne place i przestrzenie wspólne stwarzają okazję do spotkań, rozmów, wymiany myśli, nawet samej obecności w grupie. Niewymuszony kontakt pozwala na zachowanie poczucia bezpieczeństwa i swobody, co również zachęca do odwiedzenia tego miejsca. Możliwość kontaktu pomiędzy różnymi grupami społecznymi i wiekowymi ułatwia przekazanie wiedzy i doświadczenia, dzielenie się radością, wspieranie w trudnych chwilach. Każdy znajdzie tu miejsce dla siebie.
To reduce built-up area, functions in buildings have been zoned and access to them graded at particular floors. The largest rooms have been placed at the ground floor, as these are designated for larger groups of users and visitors. Examples include a common room, game rooms, gym, and a cafeteria with a kitchen facility. The first floor is dedicated to individual therapy offices or theme rooms for smaller groups. Some rooms have access to the roof terrace with greenery and places to sit and rest. The zone offers calm ambience and isolation from external noises. The third floor, which is different in its nature from other floors, contains office space with rooms for NGOs, voluntary workers, and the administration staff. The division is coordinated according to needs of the elderly, disabled, and children with vertical and horizontal traffic reduced to minimum. The clear zoning helps people to navigate in the building. Additionally, it facilitates auxiliary functions and activities for larger groups of local users, especially those who are not permanent members of the Centre. Such activities may include concerts, dance classes, fitness, plastic art and music workshops, games for children, as well as sensory therapy and events, like holiday festivities. In the future, the zoning is expected to facilitate commercial use of some rooms, e.g. the use common room and sensory therapy room in the nursery as venues for additional classes and events, whereas workshop rooms and the gym could be used for plastic art and physical activity classes, while the common room is suitable for music concerts and meetings. Offices at the third floor could be rented or converted into co-working space. Classic light full brick has been used for finishing as a direct reference to the industrial development in the district. This natural material, resistant to changing weather and humidity, is resilient and aesthetic at the same time, and it can be used to develop different forms and designations to establish an orderly and cohesive space. The traditional material applied in its modern form combines the old and the new, and is symbolic durable, stable, and timeless. Modern elements in the building include the finishing of glyphs in windows and doors made of graphite steel sheets. The finishing also refers to the industrial development in the vicinity and gives the building a modern touch, and it contrasts in terms of material, colour and texture.