Office – operation – technological building

Design type
Conceptual (competition), construction, executive and interior design
Total surface area
25 986,31 m²
1st place in competition

While building the vision for the design, the starting point for us has included concepts encapsulated in the PSE S.A. vision and mission, such as reliability, trustworthiness and accountability.

The Radom-based facility is a usable building of a specified function, a building which goal is to maintain continuity of operation and safety regardless sometimes adverse ambient conditions. The prime objective was to integrate its architecture and technology in a perfect design. For this reason, we concentrated on designing a building which is:

– orderly in terms of its function and structure, and clear spatial arrangement – from land development to every architectural detail,

– modern – which form merges fluently with its function, a building furnished with technical solutions that eliminate or reduce consequences of any possible failure,

– friendly to work at and spend your time both inside and outside of it,

– pro-eco with to solutions ensuring energy efficiency and reduced CO2 emission, a building using renewable energy sources, water retention solutions and solar energy systems. At the same time, we keep its exterior green and highlight the green component by its architectural design, use of indigenous species, green roofs, keeping road traffic away from its inner yard, and promoting environmentally friendly transport by infrastructure for bikers and electric cars.

Budynek biurowo-operacyjno-technologiczny, przeszklona elewacja

Since the facility is crucial for the operation of the national grid, we do not want the weight of the technological component of the project to overshadow its human dimension, namely people working in it. Yet another important factor is to fit the building into the local context so it could become an important facility enriching the Radom’s urban development and enhancing its natural environment and local community.

The new complex of buildings can be seen from Anny Walentynowicz Street, the southern bypass of Radom. The foreground is occupied by an office building, a façade of which is the showpiece development for the entire facility. It is open and glazed, and in combination with a light color of the finishing it correlates with the public space. However, the combination of its open form and pronounced orthogonal line of the façade that fills almost the entire width of the plot suggest that a private space is hidden behind, designated solely for its direct users.

Budynek biurowo-operacyjno-technologiczny, widok na sąsiadującą zieleń

The building has a light structure consisting of separate modules dedicated to individual functional zones. The modules are put together in a U-shaped structure. Particular modules are linked with the bulky ground floor section finished with concrete slabs to contrast with the see-through structure of all floors above. It provides a firm and stable functional and traffic base connecting office and technological parts with the section for operators.

Budynek biurowo-operacyjno-technologiczny, hol i schody

The U-shaped arrangement of modules creates an inner yard with direct access from operation and office space. From the west, the private recreation zone of the yard is closed with tall green, both existing and new. Since the green space is centrally located, it is accessible for all users of the building. Individual functional zones are fitted into the inner traffic routes which surround the zone with green encroaching the common space and spreading onto roofs of the base floor. Thus, the space becomes a true heart of the facility with nature as a source of oxygen and relaxation, and an opportunity to replenish energy – a source of its power and vitality. It integrates individual users, connects them and creates opportunities for them to interact, meet and develop mutual relations within the community of people operating in the structure. In combination with the space along the main axis, it adds to open functional interiors in its vicinity as their natural extension.

Moreover, since the design is implemented in the BIM software, it enhances the flow of information between the designer, specialists and the Client.

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