Szczecin-Goleniów Airport

Terminal Portu Lotniczego Szczecin - Goleniów, wizualizacja z zewnątrz

The redevelopment of the Szczecin-Goleniów Airport includes an ambitious plan for constructing a modern, 20,000 square metre passenger terminal. This new facility will replace outdated infrastructure through a series of demolitions and modifications, tailored to accommodate the projected increase in the number of passengers, expected to reach 2,000,000 after 2040, up from the current 600,000. Our […]

Office – operation – technological building

Budynek biurowo-operacyjno-technologiczny, widok z lotu ptaka

While building the vision for the design, the starting point for us has included concepts encapsulated in the PSE S.A. vision and mission, such as reliability, trustworthiness and accountability. The Radom-based facility is a usable building of a specified function, a building which goal is to maintain continuity of operation and safety regardless sometimes adverse […]

The Air Traffic Control Centre

Ośrodek Kontroli Ruchu Lotniczego w Poznaniu, elewacja w kolorze ciemnoszarym

The Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) in Poznań is an auxiliary facility supporting the operation of the planned hub in Reguły near Warsaw and the main air traffic control service in Poznań. Since the continuity of air traffic control is crucial, the Poznań-based ATCC is a pivotal part of the critical infrastructure. The Centre and […]

Clinical, didactic and research building PUM

Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Wydział Farmacji

We have decided that the design of a new university building at Unii Lubelskiej Street in Szczecin should be developed around reasonable arrangement of functionalities. A major challenge is also to integrate the new building with its surrounding and maintain a unique character of the Pogodno District. By preserving the traditional building style that converges […]

Student dormitory for Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Dom Studencki METEOR w Poznaniu, widok od frontu

While working on the concept design for a student dormitory of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, we decided to combine information available and our own experience related to the functioning of such facilities. Existing buildings of the Morasko Campus, including teaching and research facilities, provided a context for the design. Therefore, the goal was to […]

Toruń Arena

Elewacja, Hala Sportowa Toruń

While designing a sports hall in Toruń, a lead theme was to create a modern facility simple in its shape, façade of which can be used as a huge multimedia panel. The hall is an architectural counterbalance to a beautiful historical architecture of Toruń. Its modernity was supposed to contrast with historical monuments in the […]

Head office and campus of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Wizualizacja nowej Siedziby i Kampusu Polskiej Agencji Żeglugi Powietrznej

Polish air traffic controllers take care of safety of passengers all over Poland. They need to be extra resilient, since they work under pressure 7.5 hours a day with two breaks to rest. The DEDECO Project was to develop a landscape Campus with a system of links between particular buildings, common space, atria, courtyards, sidewalks […]

Pogoń Arena

Stadion Pogoni panorama

During the First World War, a disused gravel pit was converted into a football pitch and this is how the history of the stadium began. After its extension, the stadium was officially opened in 1925. The stadium was located at a natural recess in the shape of an irregular horseshoe, with stands developed on the […]

Central Laboratory of CEZAMAT

Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii, przeszklona ciemna elewacja z sąsiadująca zielenią

The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) at the Warsaw University of Technology is a place where science meets business to create new branches of industry. It combines a number of disciplines: nanotechnology research, chemistry, biology, IT and physics. To make it possible, every detail was important during the designing phase. The complex comprises […]

Management Center of Innovation and Technology Transfer

Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej

The main task of the Management Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Warsaw University of Technology is to stimulate cooperation between science and business, and support university-based entrepreneurship. It is here where the academic world meets the external world. Here, companies start cooperating with research units, R&D is developed, theory meets practice, and […]