Budynek Wydziału Informatyki Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie
“Genius loci significantly influences the quality of life for the local community, as it enriches people’s spiritual sphere, enhances their artistic sensitivity, as well as intellectual and creative capacities. Consequently, it is a potential source of inspiration for landscape design (…). For such spirit to exist, places need to be unique, distinctive, easily identifiable, evoke a […]
Intergeneration Activity Centre
Lokalność, więzi społeczne i międzypokoleniowe to wartości odkrywane i doceniane na nowo. Potrzeba przynależności do miejsca, do grupy jest podstawową potrzebą człowieka. Szczególnie dla osób starszych, niepełnosprawnych, potrzebujących pomocy izolacja jest trudnym doświadczeniem. Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej ma szansę stać się nie tylko miejscem opieki i pomocy, ale również miejscem tworzenia więzi społecznych dla mieszkańców dzielnicy. […]
Office – operation – technological building
While building the vision for the design, the starting point for us has included concepts encapsulated in the PSE S.A. vision and mission, such as reliability, trustworthiness and accountability. The Radom-based facility is a usable building of a specified function, a building which goal is to maintain continuity of operation and safety regardless sometimes adverse […]
Clinical, didactic and research building PUM
We have decided that the design of a new university building at Unii Lubelskiej Street in Szczecin should be developed around reasonable arrangement of functionalities. A major challenge is also to integrate the new building with its surrounding and maintain a unique character of the Pogodno District. By preserving the traditional building style that converges […]
Head office and campus of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
Polish air traffic controllers take care of safety of passengers all over Poland. They need to be extra resilient, since they work under pressure 7.5 hours a day with two breaks to rest. The DEDECO Project was to develop a landscape Campus with a system of links between particular buildings, common space, atria, courtyards, sidewalks […]
Central Laboratory of CEZAMAT
The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) at the Warsaw University of Technology is a place where science meets business to create new branches of industry. It combines a number of disciplines: nanotechnology research, chemistry, biology, IT and physics. To make it possible, every detail was important during the designing phase. The complex comprises […]
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
In the centre of Warsaw, in the middle of a campus of the Warsaw University of Technology, situated is MINI, the building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science. It is surrounded with historical buildings designed by the famous Stefan Szyller and Czesław Przybylski. In the limited area of the campus, there are two […]
Park of science and technology
Simplicity and natural green surrounding are some of characteristic features of the facility where new technologies are going to be implemented. The ‘Mission of the Puławy Park is to promote innovation in social relations: stimulating scientists, businessmen, and community of the region to take new challenges. Since the Park attracts new ideas commercialising findings of […]