Szczecin-Goleniów Airport

Terminal Portu Lotniczego Szczecin - Goleniów, wizualizacja z zewnątrz

The redevelopment of the Szczecin-Goleniów Airport includes an ambitious plan for constructing a modern, 20,000 square metre passenger terminal. This new facility will replace outdated infrastructure through a series of demolitions and modifications, tailored to accommodate the projected increase in the number of passengers, expected to reach 2,000,000 after 2040, up from the current 600,000. Our […]

Fountain Avenue Residence

Kamienica Rezydencja Aleja Fontann

This 19th-century corner building is located in the very heart of Szczecin, at the largest and most representative star-shaped square in the historical city centre. The layout of the square, which follows the Parisian planning pattern, is an essential element of the monumental urban development at Grunwaldzki Square (formerly Kaiser Wilhelm Platz). The tenement house, […]

Budynek Wydziału Informatyki Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego w Szczecinie

Wydział Informatyki Zachodniopomorskiego Uniwersytetu Technologicznego, wejście

“Genius loci significantly influences the quality of life for the local community, as it enriches people’s spiritual sphere, enhances their artistic sensitivity, as well as intellectual and creative capacities. Consequently, it is a potential source of inspiration for landscape design (…). For such spirit to exist, places need to be unique, distinctive, easily identifiable, evoke a […]

Intergeneration Activity Centre

Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej, elewacja z cegły

Lokalność, więzi społeczne i międzypokoleniowe to wartości odkrywane i doceniane na nowo. Potrzeba przynależności do miejsca, do grupy jest podstawową potrzebą człowieka. Szczególnie dla osób starszych, niepełnosprawnych, potrzebujących pomocy izolacja jest trudnym doświadczeniem. Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej ma szansę stać się nie tylko miejscem opieki i pomocy, ale również miejscem tworzenia więzi społecznych dla mieszkańców dzielnicy. […]

Office – operation – technological building

Budynek biurowo-operacyjno-technologiczny, widok z lotu ptaka

While building the vision for the design, the starting point for us has included concepts encapsulated in the PSE S.A. vision and mission, such as reliability, trustworthiness and accountability. The Radom-based facility is a usable building of a specified function, a building which goal is to maintain continuity of operation and safety regardless sometimes adverse […]

The Air Traffic Control Centre

Ośrodek Kontroli Ruchu Lotniczego w Poznaniu, elewacja w kolorze ciemnoszarym

The Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) in Poznań is an auxiliary facility supporting the operation of the planned hub in Reguły near Warsaw and the main air traffic control service in Poznań. Since the continuity of air traffic control is crucial, the Poznań-based ATCC is a pivotal part of the critical infrastructure. The Centre and […]

Estate of multi-family houses at Redutowa Street in Warsaw

Wizualizacja osiedla budynków wielorodzinnych przy ul. Redutowej w Warszawie z sąsiadującą zielenią

We have designed a residential estate surrounded by greenery in the middle of a brownfield site at the Warsaw’s district of Wola. Previously occupied by a dairy plant, the plot was set to develop a cluster of four eight-floor buildings. Although located close to the city centre and major streets, such as Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia […]

Clinical, didactic and research building PUM

Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Wydział Farmacji

We have decided that the design of a new university building at Unii Lubelskiej Street in Szczecin should be developed around reasonable arrangement of functionalities. A major challenge is also to integrate the new building with its surrounding and maintain a unique character of the Pogodno District. By preserving the traditional building style that converges […]

Nova III Tenement House

Budynek mieszkalny wielorodzinny, Kamienica Nova III

In Szczecin, the characteristic quarter-like structure with many roundabouts and squares, originally created as part of the old fort redevelopment project, defines the street grid and its building space typical of the 19th-century urban fabric in Western Pomerania. The building concerned was designed and put in use in the first quarter of 2022. It is […]

Apartamenty Podgórna

Budynek mieszkalny wielorodzinny, Apartamenty Podgórna

The investment site is situated within buildings developed well before WWII, which in the past was a part of a medieval city. Because of the damage, remains of medieval buildings were demolished after the war and the site was developed anew. The form of the planned building refers to the historical context and its new […]